"The wisest and best of men is he who has collected and learned to manifest in himself the lessons found in all the signs." - Swami Kriyananda
Regarding the symbol of Taurus, two meanings should be noted: in the West, it symbolizes disruptive force and aggression, while in the East, where astrological symbols were conceived, the bull is a strong but docile animal. Here, its expression is one of slow tenacity, resilience, and continuity in the effort to grow, even in the face of the greatest adversities.

Taurus is a master of constancy and patience, representing the ability of tender shoots to continue to make their way laboriously despite all obstacles encountered. Kind and usually friendly, Taurus represents youth, the abundance of flowers, vegetation, and above all, beauty. Beauty and utility are indeed Taurus's gifts, which he constantly seeks to reconcile to overcome their apparent opposition: and thus, Taurus's happiness is complete when he can learn to see beauty in utility and utility in beauty.
Security is important for all Taurus natives, but not necessarily the security of personal property, but rather finding a solid foundation that can ensure continuity in their explorations. Taurus loves to organize and arrange things fixedly but does not desire to possess them. If Taurus is evolved enough, he will seek this solid foundation of his continuum in a deeper understanding of being. Indeed, at higher levels, Taurus helps to develop Nishtha, the determination to achieve one's spiritual goals.
However, as we have already said for other signs, each characteristic can lead to spiritual elevation or to the deepest abyss. The spiritually unevolved Taurus can transform his qualities into a desire for control even over what is by its nature unpredictable and therefore outside of his area of influence. His desire to fix, adjust, and crystallize everything around him can be a source of great suffering for individuals born under this sign, as in the world everything moves and transforms, and we can control very little.
At this level, even the security that Taurus feels as a strong need will manifest itself at a more earthly level, as a desire for possession, sometimes even pure selfishness. And so, the search for his solid base will translate into a desire to buy a house and accumulate material goods, clinging to them as a source of security, survival, and certainty. But there is nothing easier than stripping a man of his belongings; they represent precisely what we can most easily lose during our lives.
The same goes for relationships: an unevolved Taurus will likely suffer from possessive, jealous, and insecure love that will never satisfy him enough. The same will apply in friendship, where he will try to impose his ideas and seek strong, enduring, and faithful, almost exclusive bonds.
The (rare) anger of Taurus can arise precisely from the frustration of not being able to control everything, or when others doubt him, thus adding doubts to the already weak self-esteem and security of unevolved Taureans. Also, Taurus's famous stubbornness can be due to the fear of losing control over events, and his constancy and determination can turn into relentlessness. In reality, this is the true secret of Taurus's famous grit: individuals of this sign do not show it because they are self-assured, but on the contrary, it is a result of their insecurity.
Furthermore, one must not confuse Taurus's energy and vigor with a passion for work and sacrifice. It is instead an expression of pure determination and desire for continuity, the two driving forces that push him to never give up.

Taurus's great strength needs to be recharged from time to time, which is why individuals born under this sign need a safe place to retreat and regenerate. Taurus loves tranquility, and his home must be a quiet refuge for him, and it is not difficult to discover that he can easily indulge in self-indulgence without the slightest sense of guilt.
Doubt is central to the sign of Taurus; it pushes him into determination to grow and not give up but also to strive to control everything so that nothing can go wrong. Doubt can drive him upwards, with confidence and energy, always putting himself in the game even when facing adversity. Or it can lead him to seek confirmation in others, in things, in the ephemeral earth that can seem very reassuring to him, in an increasing anxiety for control, a manifestation of deep inner insecurity.
But only in ourselves can we develop lasting stability; only within ourselves can we find a solid and stable foundation, the "permanent center of gravity," the divine around which all human thoughts and feelings revolve. By positively applying doubt, he will become more aware of the obstacles to overcome, to be able to assess them with clarity to discover if it will be possible to overcome them and how much energy he will have to employ to do so. And above all, if it is worth it!
Usually, individuals born under this sign do their best to maintain a firm control over their emotions, as well as over anything else. When they truly get angry, what flows outward is generally something that overflows from a cauldron of inner frustration. Most Taurus natives, like bulls in the East, will endure much to maintain a state of peace.
But let's go back for a moment to Taurus's stubbornness because it is well described by Kriananda in this passage: "(stubbornness) also has another origin, more justifiable: like the earth in spring, even Taurus knows that it must let the seeds of new ideas germinate undisturbed. It may be that he patiently nurtures a project for years, without others noticing or suspecting it. In this, he resembles his symbol, the bull, as he "chews" projects slowly and carefully. Taurus knows that the growth of a plant cannot be forced. Anyone trying to push him faster than he deems necessary to develop an idea will find him immovable. In this, however, he is not unreasonable but only determined."
Karma Yoga, the yoga of action, is particularly suitable for Taurus: its ultimate goal, namely to perform an "action without the desire for the fruits of the action", is certainly a goal towards which Taurus should direct his attention.
The stones of Taurus generally support the appreciation of beauty, change, and the assimilation of emotions. A mala made of aventurine, aquamarine, rhodonite, or selenite can support Taurus meditation very well.
To develop authentic determination in spiritual practices, commit to meditating every day, ideally at the same time. Habit will take over, and you will begin to eagerly anticipate these hours as your time dedicated to your growth and to developing your divine self.
The recommended position is usually sitting cross-legged with a straight back. However, occasionally, Shavasana with a pillow may be useful for sign natives: lying supine with a pillow, not too large, placed under the shoulder blades, at the height of the back of the bra. Women know where it is, and men do too, hopefully.
Place your aventurine, aquamarine, or rhodonite mala around your neck so that it falls at heart level, or hold it in your right hand.
Close your eyes and observe your breath without altering it. Bring your attention to the center or heart chakra, connected to Venus, corresponding to heart level. Let this point fill with light with the next inhalation, and with the exhalation, imagine thin rays of energy emanating from this center towards each of the many things to which you are consciously or unconsciously clinging.
With each inhalation and exhalation, the rays will become increasingly luminous and powerful until their light shines so intensely that all the objects or people to which you are somehow connected begin to disappear into your light. Observe these objects and people as they vanish into your light. Continue with consistency and perseverance until this happens.
Now redirect these rays of energy upward, towards the brain, concentrating them at the point between the eyebrows, offering them to the Divine with the affirmation: "I surrender so that the Divine may embrace me."
Now slowly begin to move. If you were lying down, roll onto your preferred side before sitting up. Open your eyes slowly and be grateful for dedicating this moment to yourself.

For your birthday ritual, you can use a mala made of aventurine, peridot, or aquamarine. Boji Stones will also work well, especially if you wish for them to absorb negativity. In this case, hold the female Boji (smooth) in your left hand and the male Boji (rough) in your right hand.
Sit in silence, removing yourself from any sources of distraction or attraction. If possible, scent the environment with your favorite incense. Holding your mala or Boji Stones, sit in a comfortable pose; even a chair will suffice, and close your eyes, observing your breath. Bring your attention deep within yourself.
With your mala: Keep your eyes closed so that nothing of the vain and foolish world can distract you. Listen to your breath for a moment until your mind calms down. If you feel like it, chant the OM twenty-one times, drawing vibrant strength from your mala. At the end, place your mala over your heart and remain there for a moment, listening to the immense silence within you and the vibrations all around you that ignite your creativity.
With the Boji Stones: Touch the stones to the ground to clean them, then rub them together a little to recharge them. Holding your stones in your hands, imagine a cord connecting them deep into the earth. Feel the energy rising up this cord, radiating the stones, passing into your hands, and gradually enveloping your entire body like a protective cloak. Return your attention to your center and listen to the calm silence that extinguishes your fears and ignites your creativity.
Now imagine everything you desire flowing into the coming year.
When you're ready, bring your attention back to the room and place your stones where you will see them often.
The desire for control in Taurus may conceal great insecurity and certainly a lack of faith in the existence of a higher reality and consequently, the inability to surrender to it. And yet, total surrender is the highest form of control because it frees from all forms of attachment and restores full control over the center of oneself and one's flow of energy. By fully accepting life, one discovers that it is no longer necessary to try to grasp anything. Freedom is not something that can be controlled.
Since a sankalpa must always be positive, it may be helpful for natives of this sign to adopt these intentions:
"Freeing my selfless love"
"I trust myself and my strength"
"I feel my calm and stable center"
"Panta rei" (or, for those who do not like Latin: "everything flows")
"I surrender to the constant flow of change around me"
"The truth is my reality"
Aventurine, aquamarine, or rhodonite are the recommended stones to better support the sankalpa and meditation of Taurus.