"The wisest and best of men is he who has gathered and learned to manifest within himself the lessons found in all the signs."
Swami Kriyananda
In the human mind alone does reality unfold along a straight line, a temporal continuum with a precise beginning and end; yet in nature, all processes are circular, the matrix of life itself progresses in a spiral motion. Thus, the conclusion of one cycle always serves as the driving force for a new beginning; chaos is the fertile ground for new growth (think of the big bang!). And so it is that even the final sign of the zodiac is essential for the rebirth of a new cycle.
Not by chance, the symbol of Pisces is enclosed in a circle because in nature there is never a last without a first. Think of the hero's journey: it begins with a youth and ends with the fool, who bears many similarities to the youth: the elder as a child reborn, wisdom approaching innocence, in an endless cycle.
Jupiter governs the sign of Pisces; this planet symbolizes growth and expansion, evoking the desire for connection, to penetrate like water into every crevice. In modern astrology, distant Neptune joins Jupiter in co-ruling the sign, a magical planet that evokes the spiritual and psychic dimension, the world of dreams, the supernatural, and madness. "Neptune is a magical planet that fuels our fantasies, challenges us to spend more time vibrating than doing, and provides us with an existential dose of reflection on our universe" (Julia Bray).
The natives of the sign exert authority over the world through empathy, the ability to fully identify with other beings.
Pisces individuals need to work towards fulfilling their urge to serve others in order to find their inner peace. Those born under this sign are, more than any others, endowed with many talents useful for developing their character through beauty, music, and harmony. Many strive to improve the fate of humanity, while others use their qualities in the entertainment industry, bringing joy to the lives of millions. They need to manifest their mystical private dream of love and understanding into reality.
Implicit in the symbol of Pisces is a choice: they can turn towards the sea, towards freedom, only if they are willing to relinquish self-assertion. On the path to the ocean, the natives of this sign must learn to free themselves from the ego: this is the path of their evolution. Empathy towards all things, towards life itself, will lead them to merge with a broader reality in the ocean of Spirit. By relinquishing attachment to the self, they will gift humanity with their capacity for universal empathy. Learning the meaning of peace through service to others, they will find their way. Then they can be free, like fish swimming in the sea of infinite possibilities. By abandoning the ego and all human desires, they will effortlessly flow with the tides of Divine Grace.
The empathy of Pisces is perfected only when it is universalized. This means that their feelings for people must expand from the few to the many, from the narrow circle of loved ones who pass through their lives, to encompass the universe itself, and therefore all living things.
The only alternative choice for Pisces individuals is a life of illusion leading to failure. If their energies flow downward, they will tend to shun the real world and everything that grounds them to the concreteness of life, albeit painful. Escaping danger is inherent in their delicate nature, and like fish, they will flee at the slightest and most insignificant threat, weary and bitter. In this way, their empathic capacity will likely be expressed only passively, in the form of a complaining and dreamy nature that prefers imaginary experiences to actual ones, and which may resort to drugs or alcohol to fuel their dreams.
It must be understood that the stars of Pisces only confer a tendency towards empathy. The quality of one's own empathy will not depend on the zodiac sign, but on one's unique and personal inner sensitivity. The same general influence that can make a person deeply sensitive to the joys and sorrows of the world can also cause another person, focused only on themselves and blinded by selfishness, to see pain everywhere just because they are in pain, or happiness everywhere just because they are happy. They will remain ensnared in the mirror of their emotions, through which they perceive the external world without any empathic capacity.

On the other hand, the risk is the identification with what they see, a total permeability to whatever they perceive: so if sadness is felt around them, they will be fully absorbed by it, and conversely, if they sense happiness, they will be happy themselves, in a continuous fluctuation and changing of mood that will lead to constant mood swings and, consequently, to exaggerate the significance of anything that seriously captures their attention. And so their life will be at the mercy of events, leading them to impatiently swim towards numerous goals that have nothing to do with what they truly need to grow spiritually.
Therefore, if the sign of Pisces may seem at first glance to be the most purely altruistic sign among all those of the zodiac, however, as long as the Ego is not prepared to relinquish itself in favor of a broader identity, they may oscillate between pure selfishness and, conversely, the most total and fruitless merging with the other.
The feminine nature of the sign gives it the ability to perceive the two sides of all things: it is a natural mediator, an ambivalent being that can glimpse the many ways to approach a topic. They may use this gift to their advantage, feeding their ego and thus failing to find the path towards spiritual elevation, thus allowing the tendency to control and manipulate people subtly, an art in which they are a great master, often to their detriment. Alternatively, they can follow their destiny as a servant and healer and use it to help others see the different possibilities and help them make the right choices in life.
They often appear extremely pleasant and charming individuals and can use their listening and understanding skills to gain the trust of others. They will be loved, but when the reins tighten to keep them from leaving, those who wish to hold them back will discover that they have desired to harness water, or to try to grasp a fish with their hands. Perhaps for a while, the natives of the sign may tolerate the impositions of those they love, but the secret to enjoying the presence of a Pisces is to flow with them, accepting that they will never truly stop. They can be accompanied in life only by accepting their gifts, which they will bestow with joy because they feel that this is their true nature, but without ever demanding more from them.
The stones associated with Pisces are oriented towards spiritual elevation, but they also work extensively on promoting calmness, stabilizing emotions to provide the right direction. This helps prevent the innate "rescuer syndrome" of Pisces from prevailing, ultimately leaving them disappointed and devoid of energy. Crystals suitable for this sign free them from mental confusion, stabilize emotions, and, above all, assist Pisces in not withdrawing from the world when reality seems too constricting.

A mala made of amethyst, selenite, or heliotrope can effectively support Pisces in their meditation.
For Pisces, as for everyone, it's important to meditate near water, preferably the flowing water of a river or stream. In India, some yogis stand neck-deep in a stream, focusing on the currents around their bodies. Since not everyone has this opportunity (and it's not practical to leave the kitchen sink tap running for the sound of flowing water – and no, the bathtub isn't suitable for this purpose either), you can opt for background music that simulates the sound of waves or a stream; it will still be very helpful. If you wish, you can hold your mala in your right hand, although the recommendation for this meditation is to wear it around your neck or place it in front of you.
Try to sit perfectly still while meditating, feel the ground beneath you, and the sensation of stability rooting you; let the rest of your body soften, but be careful not to collapse. Instead, feel the upward push from your grounding base, allowing your thoughts and emotions to float freely. So, seated in a comfortable pose, imagine water flowing all around you and let your mind immerse itself in its flow. Allow thoughts to surface and flow, envision your Ego, fears, shame, and resistances beginning to flow with the water. Fully surrender to this image.
Observe the movement of your thoughts for some time; let the flow of consciousness increase, let it grow, and watch it flow without resistance, remaining still and stable in your pose. Gradually, the water whirlpools will loosen, and the flow will become thinner until there's no restless thought to pollute the calm, clear, and crystalline water of your bliss.
After some time, allow the waters of consciousness to lovingly reach everyone around you. Then, mentally expand them to envelop your city, your country, until you imagine nourishing all beings on Earth with the clear water of your love. You can envision everyone joining you in Divine Love.
Slowly, when you're ready, bring your attention back to your breath and body. Begin to move a little and gently, when you're ready, open your eyes.
"When you are permeated by bliss, you will recognize it as a conscious and intelligent Universal Being to whom you can turn, and not as an abstract mental state."
Paramhansa Yogananda

On your birthday, sit quietly, holding the amethyst, selenite, or heliotrope mala in your right hand, and bring your attention deep within yourself. With the mala held above the solar plexus, imagine a bubble of energy radiating from this point and enveloping your entire body. Feel the energy flowing out and vibrating with your mala to create a protective cloak around you. Allow the stones to absorb your negative, worn-out, and stagnant emotions. Find the calm and stability of your center, observing it pure and clear.
From this energetic point, feel the powerful energy igniting your creativity, now having the power to fully manifest. Visualize everything you desire for yourself flowing before your eyes in the coming year of your life. When you're ready, bring your attention back to the room.
Purify the stones with natural incense (such as cedar, myrtle, or sandalwood) or with palo santo or white sage. Then, recharge the stones under the direct light of the Moon for an entire night.
The mutability of the sign, coupled with a certain spiritual immaturity, can lead Pisces to get lost in the myriad currents of life, confused by fluctuating thoughts, overwhelmed by the numerous feelings and sensations that permeate them, and sensitive to the judgments of others. They tend to lose their direction, or to have none at all, setting different goals depending on the situation, feelings, or those around them at the moment. Therefore, they will certainly need to learn to channel their strength and attention in a precise and stable direction, rediscovering their center of energy and ensuring that their empathy becomes a strength rather than their greatest weakness.
Since a sankalpa should always be in the positive - if you're unsure why, I invite you to read here -, it can be beneficial for natives of the sign to adopt these intentions:
"My strength is the strength of water."
"I flow through life towards my direction."
"I understand that others only see a part of me."
"My center of strength withstands storms."
"I am responsible for my feelings."
"I can choose which feelings to experience."