Atha yoga anushasanam (YS I.1); Yogash chitta vritti nirodhah (YS I.2); Tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam (YS I.3); Vritti sarupyam itaratra (YS I.4)
Now, the discipline of Yoga will be revealed to you; Yoga is the complete cessation (nirodha) of the activities (vritti) of the mind (chitta); Then the seer dwells in his own true nature; Otherwise, the seer is absorbed in the activities of the mind.
The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, it is a youthful sign, full of enthusiasm, but above all, it is a sign closely linked to the power of the mind: it is in ideas that natives of the sign most manifest their enthusiasm and also their duality. Gemini often holds different and coexisting opinions on the same subject, which can lead to a state of perpetual anxiety or an interesting ability to analyze.
Ideas, more than things, interest those born under this sign: the power of thoughts, of the mind, and of ideas guide the sign, and mental quickness and acumen are their weapons, their way of exerting authority over the world.
The duality of the sign can easily drag them into an abyss of anxiety and conflict between the different opinions they may have on the same subject, developing their wit and ingenuity to their advantage. In this way, they will strive to shine rather than to understand, attracted by the charm of ideas rather than their intrinsic substance. Trapped in the realm of their ideas, they will tend to speak rather than listen, so in love with their own words that they are not only unable to see the goodness in the words of others but also anchored to them without being able to transform them into concrete actions. Thought will absorb all their energy. Conversely, if Gemini can detach from their ideas, their mental capacity will evolve into pure wisdom, based on the ability to see things from different perspectives and, therefore, the ability to deeply understand every event in life and appreciate the people around them for who they truly are. Moreover, they will be able to recognize the constraints of social duties and customs to soar towards pure creativity, towards new intellectual discoveries, and inventions that are useful and meaningful for all, not just for themselves.

Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha is the second yoga sutra of Patanjali, and it means that yoga is that state of consciousness in which mental waves are calmed. But it also means that yoga is the path to calming mental fluctuations. Yoga is therefore both a means and an end. Truth (the Moon) can only be fully reflected in a calm water mirror (the mind). The Moon, like truth, remains immutable, but if the waves of the sea of our consciousness, of our mind, are agitated, then the Moon cannot be clearly reflected and the waves will only make some of its rays very powerful, without ever being able to reflect the overall view. And indeed, Gemini must learn not to be carried away by the excitement of the mind if they desire to be bearers of truth and, therefore, not to yield to the temptation to make certain rays shine more than others with their high mental waves. The greatest risk for Gemini is indeed to identify with their mind and to think that the high waves they are capable of generating are the way to achieve their goals. But, just as the Moon can only be clearly reflected when the sea is calm, the Truth can only be revealed when thoughts are controlled and consciousness is still.

The stones of Gemini are linked to thought and communication and support the sign towards greater stability and clarity of thought. They encourage those born under the sign to be more concrete, as well as to bring out the most hidden and uncomfortable truths for clearer and deeper communication, both outwardly and inwardly.
A mala made of agate (preferably dendritic variety), tourmaline, or amazonite can support Gemini's meditation very well.
Sit in a comfortable posture in a quiet place with your back straight and bring your mind to observe your breath without altering it. You can keep your eyes closed or slightly open.
Now, gently raising your gaze (even if your eyes are closed), bring your attention between your eyebrows and imagine as if from this point, which is your third eye, a gateway, a door opens. Leave it open and observe for a moment what happens, letting it flow without giving in to the temptation to define it.
Bring your attention to your spine and its flows of ascending and descending energy through the Nadis and tune your mind to these energy flows.
Now, with calm and open goals, let your heart be filled with pure love, feel the overflowing energy of love softening your chest and enveloping your body, the room, your city, the Earth, and then expanding infinitely throughout the Universe.
When you are ready, bring your attention back into the room and, slowly, to your body.

Sit silently holding your agate mala (preferably dendritic agate) or tourmaline in your right hand or, if the stones are clear, also around your neck.
Focus on your breath and follow with your mind the flow of air entering and leaving your body, nourishing it.
Now imagine a pyramid of warm, yellow light enveloping you, starting from above your head and falling onto your head, flowing over your shoulders, wrapping around your arms, back, chest, and down to illuminate your legs and feet.
Imagine that this light forms a powerful protective shield against external energies and absorbs all your worries.
This light now illuminates your calm center.
Now, hold your mala in your hands and accept its clarifying energy: imagine everything you desire for yourself flowing into the next year of your life.
When you are ready, bring your attention back to your physical body and the room and place your mala where you will see it often.
The greatest flaw of Gemini natives is the tendency to be drawn to ideas and to believe that a well-packaged idea is necessarily valid and worthy of attention. In this, Gemini's risk is falling in love with their own ideas and definitions, thereby losing the ability to listen and evaluate others' ideas. Not exercising their extraordinary ability to see things from different perspectives, they will use all their energy to speak rather than to communicate, to shine rather than to welcome, in a continuous mental excitement that will make listening difficult for them.Since a sankalpa must always be positive - if you're not sure why, I invite you to read here -, it can be useful for natives of the sign to adopt these intentions:
"I accept and welcome all ideas";
"My mind is calm";
"I open myself to intuition";
"I let thoughts flow";
"I welcome others in their entirety";
"I am equanimous";
"I detach from my thoughts".
Dendritic agate helps Gemini towards more honest and clear communication, both outwardly, but especially inwardly, in their reasoning, even the deepest ones.