"The wisest and best of men is he who has gathered and learned to manifest in himself the lessons found in all the signs."
Swami Kriyananda
We can observe life as it appears, as it is presented to us, and enjoy it, aware that reality is not as it seems. Alternatively, we can futilely strive because life is not as we would like it to be, wasting our energy in the vain attempt to modify the ephemeral and unreal according to our judgment.
The symbol of Capricorn is half goat and half fish: the first possesses a sure-footed gait, an expression of acute realism. A earth sign, matter is its element: if its realism is developed perfectly, then it will understand that matter is only the manifestation of deeper and more spiritual realities and perceive the vastness of the spirit, commonly represented by the ocean: then it will have reached the divine mastery over itself and will feel comfortable both on earth and in the vast ocean of the Spirit (goat and fish). The goat is also attracted to the peaks: Capricorn can push himself (and those around him) to climb the peaks of consciousness to contemplate from above the underlying reality, focusing on it, detaching it from himself, and making it almost impersonal, as if it were a movie of which he is a simple spectator. Capricorn is a symbol of the ultimate goal that everything tends toward, of the summit that every ambitious person aspires to, and also of the abyss at the bottom of which everything that tends downward accumulates.It is precisely from its acute realism that Capricorn imposes its authority, and from here it must therefore choose whether, and how, to evolve: if it directs its energy downward, it will remain anchored to the cold, contracted, practical, and superficial materialism, and will almost deny life itself. It will express its organizational skills to the maximum, but with a cynicism and opportunism superior to any other sign, which it will label as "realism."
If, on the other hand, it directs its energy upward, opening up to the peaks to which it is so strongly attracted, it can be led to divine wisdom and can observe behind the facade of things, penetrating to the heart of reality and understanding that life is never as it appears; it will do so with its typical seriousness that does not exclude a sarcastic and subtle sense of humor, especially for the unreal, the burlesque, and the ridiculous. It will thus see the superficiality of the main human interests until it can reach the Eternal Truth: and so the most materialistic of the zodiac signs can become the most spiritual.
In this evolution, its renowned power of concentration will be of essential help: "Concentration is the key to success" (Paramhansa Yogananda): the power to concentrate one's powers by focusing them on a single goal is the conditio sine qua non for spiritual progress. But beware, because the power of concentration represents a real vocation for Capricorn: if it does not follow it, this power could weaken, and its life could become trivial.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of "The Little Prince," in a difficult moment of his life, wrote a prayer asking God for the gift of simplicity in small daily choices. His main request concerns greater awareness of the time available to manage his days. To live better, the author knows that it is necessary to have priorities and omit what is secondary, so the course of the day will bear good fruits. It is in this ability to concentrate that the power of Capricorn fully manifests. However, to use it fully, one must recognize the importance of the present moment as the only one truly available to live our days, one moment after another. We will use this prayer in the Capricorn meditation.
Capricorn is the hermit alchemist who performs the Great Work to transform raw metal into "gold." For this sign, working with crystals can take on an even deeper and more significant meaning. Capricorn's stones are generally linked to the first chakra, rock, roots, and reality. But also to determination, fundamental values, and dedication to them, inflexibility regarding matters of truth, justice, and honor. Capricorn is the last of the earth signs and represents this element in its final stage of refinement: rock, minerals, and crystals. An obsidian, selenite, or garnet mala will support the meditation of those born under this sign.
So, during your meditation, think of your body as a rock, heavy, immutable, solid, immobile. Hold your mala in your lap and imagine a connection from it to the depths of the earth. Try to feel the strength of the earth through the contact with it and your mala, feel the rooting that brings energy coursing through the spine in an aspirational push upwards. In this position - remember that the position of the spine is fundamental - stay for a few minutes, letting go of the desire to move and focusing on the weight of your body in contact with the earth.
Teach me the art of small steps, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I don't ask for miracles or visions,
but only the strength needed for this day!
Make me attentive and inventive to choose
at the right moment
the knowledge and experiences
that touch me particularly.
Make my choices more conscious
in the use of my time.
Give me to understand what is essential
and what is only secondary.
I ask you for strength, self-control, and measure:
don't let me simply
be carried away by life
but wisely organize
the course of the day.
Help me to cope,
as best I can,
with the immediate
and to recognize the present hour
as the most important.
Give me the clarity to recognize
with lucidity
that difficulties and failures
that accompany life
are opportunities for growth and maturation.
Make me a man capable of reaching
those who have lost hope.
And give me not what I want,
but only what I really need.
Lord, teach me the art of small steps.
Take a moment of silence to let the words of this prayer penetrate deep within you.
When you are ready, think of your mind as the inside of a cinema and imagine sitting in the audience, observing the screen in front of you, behind your forehead. Mentally find the body's concentration point in the middle between your two eyebrows. Turn your physical eyes upward, and the inner gaze towards the screen, and remain still. If a thought appears, observe it projected on your inner screen as if you were at the cinema. Observe it from a distance and then let it be absorbed by the concentration point between the eyebrows.
When the mind has calmed, and thoughts and sensations no longer touch you, spontaneous spiritual perceptions will present themselves. Do not force it; it is a long process, and it may take years... but use Capricorn's typical determination not to give up: it's worth it!
"When we watch a tragic movie and see death and suffering on the screen, we might as well leave the cinema saying, 'What a beautiful movie!' So why can't we say the same about this life movie? Because the truth is that we are just shadow actors on the screen of existence. We are immortal beings, sent to Earth to play our part and then leave. We shouldn't take the script seriously. Whatever movie is being projected, don't let it disturb our minds. Just say: 'This is a beautiful movie. I am learning a lot from this experience.' If you can face existence with this attitude, you will see the light of eternal bliss dancing through all the experiences of your life."
Swami Kriyananda

On the day of your birthday, sit quietly for a few minutes holding in your lap your black onyx, obsidian, or garnet mala, bringing your attention deep within yourself.
Focus on your breath and the present moment, and when your mind has calmed a bit, visualize a thread connecting your mala to the depths of the earth. Feel the energy of the earth rising through this thread, expanding and forming a protective veil around your entire body.
Within this energy, you no longer have fear, and you can discover your calm, silent, and pure center.
The energy from your center merges with that originating from the earth; your creativity can finally manifest freely.
Now, imagine everything you wish for yourself flowing like a film in the coming year of your life.
When you're ready, bring your attention back within yourself, and slowly return your awareness to the room.
Place your mala where you will see it often when you're not wearing it.
A very serious risk for natives of this sign is the tendency to judge and want to impose their own sense of realism, blaming those who do not have it or who are (horror!) too emotional or sentimental; this could lead them to useless and harmful stubbornness, fueled by suspicion of others and worsened by a mental closure that will prevent them from accessing the truth and reality that surrounds them and of which they become champions. A paradox, therefore. A more questioning and less judgmental attitude is necessary.
Since a sankalpa must always be in the positive - if you don't know why, I invite you to read here - a good intention for Capricorn can be formulated with these words:
"I ask questions to understand,"
"I remain open to many possible realities,"
"I am curious about others' perspectives,"
"I respect everyone's differences."
Pink fluorite will help Capricorn to be more impartial, objective, and above all, will lead them on the path of non-judgment.