
Aries is the first zodiac sign because when the zodiac signs and their reference periods were codified over 2,000 years ago (circa 2100 BC to 100 BC), the Sun rose in the constellation of Aries. Today, the Sun rises in the constellation of Pisces, but the sign of Aries still marks the beginning of spring: it is therefore a cardinal sign that well represents the start of a new cycle, the strength, vitality, and optimism of a new rebirth. A fire sign, ruled by Mars, the God of war and the arts of combat, and a masculine planet that instills strength but also a certain aggressiveness in those born under this sign, who are therefore distinguished by being strong warriors, overwhelming, passionate, stubborn, and optimistic. An Aries will never forgive disloyalty, considering it the biggest sin and regarding sincerity as one of their primary values.
Excellent leaders, always ready to take initiative and accept challenges with great energy, leading with skill and enthusiasm; however, they sometimes tend to impose their own ideas and be focused on their own needs, appearing rather egocentric to others. They live fully in the present, have little memory of the past, and care little about the future. Their strong initiatory energy enables them to seize opportunities every day, and they are always ready to dive into something new; however, they may encounter some difficulty in completing the many things they start.
Aries is connected to the archetype of the Warrior: a planet in Aries tends to manifest with great strength, determination, aggressiveness, firmness, and tenacity.
The stones of this sign are generally those of red color, linked to strength and the colors of fire that refer to its ruling planet.
The Stone of Aries: Ruby
Ruby resonates with the vital and passionate character of Aries. It can support them in their concentrated efforts to achieve their goals, reinforcing their natural leadership qualities. However, a stone that resonates with one's own sign may not always be the most suitable choice. In this case, due to its ability to enliven and ignite, ruby can be counterproductive as it can encourage the typical outbursts of anger of the sign and can incentivize its more egocentric and selfish traits.
The Lucky Stone of Aries: Carnelian
Carnelian is a protective stone against negative energies and diseases. It teaches to live more harmoniously in relationships with others and works on sexual energy and vitality. It stimulates the development of a sense of belonging, protecting the values one believes in. It is called "the stone of balance" because it combines yin and yang energies, feminine and masculine, helping Aries to stay away from danger.
The Talisman of Aries: Red Agate
Red agate roots and protects from the evil eye and negative energies sent by people who may not tolerate the direct and sometimes brusque ways of Aries. It supports personal energies but does so gently and is therefore less challenging for those born under the sign of Aries compared to ruby and can be worn for long periods.
Stones That Help Aries: Red Jasper
Aries's greatest challenge is to reflect before acting: for this reason, red jasper may be suitable for those born under this sign, as it encourages thinking more about the consequences of their actions before carrying them out. Jasper gives courage and prosperity, and Native Americans considered it the blood of the Earth. This quartz increases physical and mental resistance, and through it, we learn to express our problems and ask for help when needed.
Stones That Help Aries: Citrine Quartz
Citrine quartz helps to accept criticism directed at the sensitive Aries, who generally have difficulty accepting even the most constructive feedback. At the same time, it helps them to be themselves without trampling others.
Stones That Help Aries: Garnet
Garnet brings light even in the darkest situations. This stone is perfect for Aries when they have lost their usual optimism and the desire to undertake new exciting challenges. It should be used with caution with restless people.
Stones That Help Aries: Green Aventurine
Green aventurine can help harness and channel the energies of the impetuous Aries, giving them the perseverance needed to complete what they start. It also helps in anger management, defusing situations before they explode, and strengthening leadership abilities and innate determination to act promptly for just causes.
Stones That Help Aries: Pink Tourmaline
Pink tourmaline helps to focus more on emotions. Aries is not a very emotional sign, and in any case, their most frequent emotions are generally limited to anger, fleeting loves, passion, and impatience for injustices. This stone brings love at all levels, dissolves destructive feelings and pain, helps to love and trust, teaches compassion, and relates to others. Perfect for balancing the traits of this fiery sign!
Carnelian (which is one of Aries's stones) with amethyst: the calming nature of amethyst conflicts with the increased energy of carnelian, so they should never be used together. When used alone, amethyst brings lightness of spirit and helps Aries channel their ambition in serene and healthy ways.
An Aries should avoid, or at least be cautious with, crystals associated with Saturn or Venus. Moldavite is one of these crystals, but also black obsidian, smoky quartz, and lapis lazuli. Also, hematite is not particularly favorable for those born under the sign because it could be too intense for Aries's fiery energy. But here we are safe: it is very rare to find real hematite on the market; if you bought it cheaply, it is certainly synthetic hematite and will not harm you.
Blue lace agate with citrine quartz. Agate alone can comfort an Aries who might feel insecure, lost, stressed, or afflicted by pain because it brings positivity, lightens the mind, and fights negativity; but when an Aries uses it together with citrine, it can also create confusion for the body. The energies of citrine and blue lace agate are conflicting, so this combination is not recommended.
Selenite is associated with calmness and tranquility, and rock crystal also has a calm and balanced energy: both these stones could be too passive or balanced for Aries's enterprising energy, known for its inner fire. However, rock crystal can still be used in combination with other stones to enhance its effect.
Opal is often associated with introspection and reflection, characteristics that may seem in contrast to the impulsive nature of Aries. Finally, emerald is associated with patience and spiritual growth, which may not fully reflect the determined and ambitious attitude of Aries.
It's also important to remember that ruby, due to its ability to enliven and inflame, can favor the typical outbursts of anger of the sign and encourage its more egocentric and selfish traits.
It is essential to remember that these associations are based on esoteric beliefs (and also experience) but do not have a scientific basis. The choice of stones should always be personal and guided by individual preferences and intuition. The above list is purely indicative and general: if you feel very attracted to one of these stones, it's probably because it can still help you.
The most important planet of all is the one that rules the ascendant, which exerts its powerful energy on us; therefore, the characteristics of a zodiac sign are greatly influenced by the ascendant, which determines how external information is perceived and, consequently, constitutes the mask that one shows to the world, that is, their projection outward, and especially how they relate to other people. The energy of the planets influences our daily life and our attitudes, but not our actions: with the energy received from the planets that govern us, it is always up to us to decide what to do!
The ascendant in Aries can lead to appearing very self-assured and may overshadow the more timid and reserved traits of one's personality. Tiger's eye - a beautiful combination of jasper, hematite, and tiger's eye - can help bring to light the talents hidden by the overwhelming Aries.
This stone promotes vitality and can come to the rescue when one feels exhausted, especially since the ascendant in Aries, investing a lot of energy especially in new beginnings, can quickly extinguish one's energies.
Courage, initiative, and assertiveness are the gifts brought by Mars to those born with the ascendant in Aries. Mookaite enhances these qualities with its gentle and peaceful energy, pushing for a useful balance between inner and outer experiences and balancing the desire for new adventures with the need to finish what has already begun.