The Zodiac Sign Meditation
According to Umberto Galimberti, from a psychological point of view, the horoscope is "the image of the personality and the subsequent modifications deduced from the relationship between birth and certain astral configurations." The assumption is the intimate connection between man and the cosmos, between micro and macro [Dictionary of Psychology, UTET 1992].
Solar astrology, commonly known in the West, generally describes our personality, inclinations, and aspects we may need to work on. It describes how each sign imposes its authority on the world but does not tell us how to use this information for personal growth, what inner work each of us must do.
Given that the goal of every human being is spiritual wisdom, it is evident that each of us starts from different positions regarding a central point of balance and maturity. So, everyone will necessarily have to take a different path to reach this point (or at least approach it).
As I often argue, there are many ways and paths to reach a unique goal, none of them is right or wrong in an absolute sense, but it is necessary to look at the one that is most congenial, possibly more efficient, for each person. Therefore, every zodiac sign can transform its characteristics into evolutionary tools.
Each inclination and aspect of character can be considered superior or inferior, more or less mature, depending on whether it brings the person closer or further away from the final goal of soul maturity. Awareness of one's qualities, abilities, and limits (solar astrology) is the starting point for any important journey, but then, at some point, it is necessary to set off.
In ancient times, astrology was a divine science that helped man become a free, mature, and enlightened soul, starting from the understanding and acceptance of the subtle influences of the stars on everyone. It aimed to leverage the beneficial influences of the planets and assist individuals in their inner journey to liberation. It is precisely in the "weaknesses" of each sign that its peculiar strengths are also found. So here, we will start by considering solar astrology, i.e., how man imposes his authority, leading through inner practices towards a higher dimension.
V.I.T.R.I.O.L.U.M. "Visita Interiora Terrae, Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem Veram Medicinam,"("Visit the interior of the Earth, and by rectification, you will find the hidden stone, which is the true medicine.") is used in alchemical literature as an invitation to embark on the quest for the Philosopher's Stone. However, this journey doesn't entail traveling to foreign lands, facing dragons, or deciphering maps, at least not in the way we might imagine.
"Visita interiora terrae" is an invitation to delve into the depths of one's own being: it is the ritual of the "descent into the underworld" in search of the truth that already resides within us. Through deep meditation, one may perceive the divine spark that has always resided within them: the Philosopher's Stone, "Invenies occultum lapidem." Salvation lies within us, but it requires the death of our old self (Ego), with all its defense mechanisms, automatic reactions, attachments, fears, and shames, to allow our true pure being (Self) to emerge.
This inner journey is not easy or always pleasant; it requires courage, guidance, patience, study, and experience. The dragons we encounter are far more dangerous than the real ones.
The ultimate purpose of esoteric astrology (which can be said of all astrology) is self-knowledge: by analyzing one's soul at the moment of reincarnation, the passage through the portal of life on Earth, one discovers their path and purpose in life, where they come from, and where they are going—their Karma and Dharma. Every being born at a specific time and place has their Karma to dissolve, their Dharma to fulfill, positive and negative characteristics to work with to live a fulfilling and satisfying life, and carry out their task: assisting their soul, which has given them life, in its growth path.
The aim of astrology is to recognize oneself, understand one's inclinations, and work towards personal growth. The understanding of one's qualities, abilities, and limitations (solar astrology) is the starting point of every important journey.
Astrology was once a divine science that helped humans become free, mature, and enlightened souls by understanding and accepting the subtle influences of the stars, harnessing the beneficial influences of the planets, and assisting in their inner journey of liberation. Here, we start from solar astrology, considering how humans assert their authority, to lead through inner practices towards a higher dimension.
As Swami Kriyananda said, "This is the science of yoga, known in India since ancient times as the science of inner astrology."
How important is it to find your way of meditating to continue your inner journey?
What is the most suitable spiritual path for each sign?
What are the dangers of the journey and the Sankalpa that can help?
And what are the stones that can support our heroic journey?
May you remove the blindfold from your eyes so that your soul may soon guide you with Light.
An important premise: no sign is more advanced or spiritual than any other. I know it sounds unbelievable, but this also applies to us Capricorns.