"The wisest and best of men is he who has gathered and learned to manifest within himself the lessons found in all the signs."
Swami Kriyananda
"There is no passion in living small, in designing a life that is less than the life you could live."
(Nelson Mandela)
Scorpio is a sign with an ego firmly centered on itself, its own identity, and inner security. As a water sign, its movement flows inexorably towards its goals, caring little for what surrounds it and the potentially devastating consequences of its passage. What lies outside the confines of its path simply doesn't pique its interest. The energy of its dominant planet, Mars, is focused on chosen objectives. Its ability to focus grants it concentration and sharpness of thought.
*It should be noted here that modern astrology considers Scorpio to be ruled by Pluto, the planet of death discovered in 1930. However, it's worth remembering that Pluto represents death as a cycle of life and, being a planet external to the solar system, it relates more to external realities. Considering this, it seems more accurate to consider Pluto a planet closer to Aries than to Scorpio.
The power of Scorpio often erupts unexpectedly towards those who dare disturb them in their hiding place and can even be turned against themselves. Their power is intimate, hidden, yet potent. And indeed, Scorpio exercises their creative or destructive authority over the world precisely through a power that arises from the depths.
A Scorpio will rarely speak of their plans before executing them, aware that, even though they are not easily bothered by doubts and others' comments, discussing a project can undermine its realization: they are so self-assured that they feel no need for validation from others. And in fact, it is entirely normal for a Scorpio not to even speak of their successes once they have completed their projects.
The self-sufficiency of the sign is one of its strongest characteristics but can be accompanied by indifference to others' feelings, and, especially when feeling pricked, they may sting the unfortunate person who dared disturb their peace, attempting to distract them from their pursuits. The tongue of a Scorpio is sharp and can attack defensively when least expected. However, this shouldn't be confused with a desire for absolute solitude and asceticism: Scorpio is a loyal friend, although not among the most faithful signs.
There are two dangers that those born under the sign of Scorpio face.
The first is to hide and barricade themselves within a rigid traditionalism that never ventures beyond its established boundaries and never reveals the true source of its power.
The second danger that could hinder the spiritual growth of those born under this sign is the inability to control their own power, which can make them unaware of their limits and the potentially destructive and self-destructive consequences of their actions. The lack of control could lead a Scorpio to indulge in unhealthy behaviors and a dangerous, continual search for intense experiences to temporarily satisfy their impulses. The flood could then devastate uncontrollably everything in its path.
The creative power of Scorpio can be enormous and wonderful, and if they can master their duality of creator and destroyer, balancing control and intensity, self-control and discipline are fundamental in the life of a Scorpio. Thus, destructive energy can turn inward and be dedicated to the destruction of the ego and illusions, dismantling one's own ignorance. Destruction will become creation and will be able to carry the impetuous river of its power into the sea of infinite possibilities and full divine awareness. Acting from their strong inner center, the intense energies channeled and controlled by Scorpio will not be dispersed and exhausted.
The stones of Scorpio are linked to the manifestation of power and the management of one's dark side: malachite, ruby, and black obsidian can greatly aid the spiritual evolution of those born under this sign. Smoky quartz counters the possible suicidal tendencies of the sign and should always be considered a valuable ally to keep fear and depression at bay.
A mala in malachite, ruby, or smoky quartz, or a bracelet in black obsidian, can support the meditation of the sign.
For Scorpio, the practice of yoga is of great importance as it regulates the energies flowing like rivers within our bodies and teaches us to manage them. In particular, yoga aims to keep the spine flexible and healthy, the place where these energies flow most. For a Scorpio, flexibility and mastery of this part of the body will be very important.
Sit up straight and still in meditation. If necessary, use a cushion or sit on a chair to keep your back straight without strain or tension. Bring your mind to your spinal column and feel the ascending and descending energies of the energetic flows around it. Now imagine this flow as a river of warm, golden light and, very slowly and consciously, direct it upwards towards the back of your head, letting it embrace your entire brain before slowly concentrating it at the point between your eyebrows.
Now let this river emerge from this point and immerse itself in the sea of infinite possibilities, merging with the divine light of awareness.
"Always remember that solitude is the price of greatness. In this extraordinarily busy life, you can never reach your goal if you don't withdraw more into yourself. Never, never, never. Walk in silence, peacefully; develop spirituality. We should not allow noise and sensory activities to affect the antennae of our attention, for we are listening to the steps of God entering our temple."
Paramhansa Yogananda
Before starting the ritual, purify your malachite, ruby, or hawk's eye mala by exposing it to moonlight (remember that malachite, which is the most suitable stone for this ritual, should be cleansed every time it is used, but avoid salt and water).
Sit in silence while wearing your mala against your skin and bring your attention deep within yourself.
Now imagine a bubble of energy radiating from the stones of your mala to surround your entire body and protect it, then be drawn back together with all the negativity by the stones themselves.
Place your mala in front of you and then place both hands above your tanden (3 cm below the navel) and listen to the source of your intense energy: it ignites your creativity and your power of manifestation.
Now imagine everything you desire for yourself flowing into the next year of your life.
When you are ready, bring your attention back to the room and, after purifying it, place your malachite where you will see it often.
The main challenge for Scorpio is to master power in all its manifestations: for those born under the sign, it is important to exercise control over their energy in order to channel it in the right direction. Indeed, when Scorpio acts solely on instinct and is driven by the desire for pleasure, their energy can destroy even where the intention was to create.
Since a sankalpa must always be present and positive - if you don't know why, I invite you to read here - it can be useful for natives of the sign to adopt these intentions:
"I feel my energy arising and am aware of its flow."
"My values guide me."
"My center is calm."
"I am able to control my energy."
"I consider and respect the rights and sensitivities of others."
"I can direct my energies."
Black obsidian assists Scorpio in manifesting their energy. However, one must be psychologically ready to use black obsidian, as it can bring forth one's dark side so that it can be transformed: one must therefore be able to manage their own darkness!