"The wisest and best of men is he who has gathered and learned to manifest in himself the lessons found in all signs."
Swami Kriyananda
Leo is the sign of summer maturity, of the Sun that prevails and conquers; indeed, this sign represents authority, value, and luminous expansion in its full magnificence.
Those born under the sign of Leo naturally exert their authority on the world by simply being themselves and shining their light, just like the Sun. They generally expect admiration from others, and often they receive it spontaneously.
But what happens if a Leo cannot be at the center of attention or if their light simply does not dazzle those around them? The risk is that they withdraw, distancing themselves from those who fail to admire them and turning their attention elsewhere. In some cases, the pain of not being admired could lead Leo to seek isolation that does not truly belong to them and to believe they don't need others.
For Leo, personal authority is of fundamental importance, and if they fail to exercise it on matters important to them, they may seek to obtain it by appealing to higher authorities than themselves, pretending to appeal to divine authority to justify their statements and actions. They risk becoming dogmatic dictators, ruthless and insensitive, exercising their authority not through light and admiration, but through violence and oppression.
We find them thus busy trying to impose their point of view on others, presenting it as based on the authority of someone or something else, with no other purpose than to impose their will. It is necessary to pay attention because the thirst for authority makes this attitude dangerously close to religious fanaticism and dictatorships. In this way, Leo will not nurture the truth but will obscure it by engulfing it.
The risk for natives of this sign is therefore to remain trapped in appearance and ostentation, forgetting the value of merit and virtue. By applying a coat of golden paint to shine, they will forget that true light must be cultivated within themselves. Forgetting to feed the fire of inner worth, it will end up being extinguished, making them rather insignificant or even boring individuals.
Discover all the stones for Leo.
A mala made of tiger's eye, jade, topaz, or ruby can support Leo's meditation very well.
Sit in a quiet and bright place, preferably a corner from which you can admire the Sun, holding your mala in your right hand. Close your eyes and, after listening to your breath for a moment without altering it and regaining calmness, bring your mala to your chest at heart level, your left hand over your right hand. Bring your attention to the light residing in your chest.
Now let the sunlight penetrate your body and merge with yours. Feel that this fusion of brightness pacifies your heart.
In this state of peace and quiet, feel your being becoming powerful and expanding beyond your body, enveloping and protecting you. The rays of Truth emanating from your heart radiate outward and embrace the entire room, then continue infinitely beyond the boundaries of what is visible, enveloping the whole universe with love and bliss.
When you are ready, slowly bring your attention back inside your body, bring your hands to your knees with palms facing the sky, and conclude the meditation by thanking for something you have received.
"Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate."
William Arthur Ward
On your birthday, find a moment for yourself to gather in silence, sitting in a comfortable position.
Purify your mala made of tiger's eye, jade, topaz, or ruby with incense, palo santo, or white sage, then hold it in your lap.
First, focus on your breath, and when it has calmed down, turn your inner eyes deep into your heart and connect it with your stones.
Now imagine a bright and pure flame spreading from the crystal to your heart, then slowly enveloping and protecting your entire body. Its powerful energy gives you calmness and compassion.
Visualize everything you desire in the coming year of your life passing before your eyes.
When you are ready, bring your attention back to your body and the room, and wear your mala or place it where you will see it often.
For Leo, the way to overcome potential isolation, which is not suitable for natives of this sign, or to break out of a downward spiral, is to develop a true and deep interest in others. In particular, it is important to focus on two characteristics that are very rare for Leo: the ability to listen attentively and the ability to receive.
Since a sankalpa must always be positive - if you don't know why, I invite you to read here -, it can be useful for natives of this sign to adopt these intentions
"I listen."
"I listen with interest and open heart."
"I am ready to receive from those around me."
"I give with love, receive with gratitude."
"I nurture my inner light and accept that it may not be recognized by others."
"My ideas and beliefs are subjective."
Morganite supports Leo's mission to exercise power by listening to their heart and remaining humble. The energy of morganite opens the heart to unconditional love and dissolves selfishness that can block Leo's spiritual path.