
The sign of Virgo closes the summer period and replaces euphoria with a more collected attitude, characterized by intelligent and precise study on how to store provisions for the winter, with prudence, foresight, and above all, maximum control. As an earth sign, it is ruled by Mercury, which brings intelligence, rationality, sharpness, and precision in analysis and attention to detail.
Endowed with great powers of observation, Virgo needs to understand and control reality: the practical sense of the Earth element makes them less inclined to engage with deep emotions, while placing great emphasis on matter, its analysis, and precise measurement. Not surprisingly, their archetype is the Seeker, one who does not settle but desires to study, analyze, and understand. However, the brain tends to prevail over the heart, over instinct, filtering emotions and often investigating and dissecting things with excessive detail.
Those born under the sign of Virgo are extremely reliable, discreet, moderate, and reserved, generally altruistic, conscientious, and lovers of moderation and precise work that allows them to achieve great results little by little, slowly. Although modest and lacking the impulse to prove something to someone, they usually have above-average intelligence and a decent artistic taste.
They detest acting hastily because they need to evaluate everything with patience, with meticulousness; this makes them skilled resource administrators, something they are instinctively predisposed to do because they always tend to think ahead with foresight and uncertainty. This happens not only in economic terms, so in many cases, Virgos also fear the beginning of new relationships, and until they feel safe, they will continue to be wary and gather clues for tomorrow.
They can therefore be meticulous, obsessed, and critical, but they are concrete, reliable, and have a strong sense of duty. They are very analytical and often excessively critical of themselves even before others, sometimes they even like to adopt the attitude of victims.
A historical/etymological note
The term "virgo" in Latin referred to an unmarried woman, free and self-sufficient, which had nothing to do with her chastity, but, as with the male term "vir," indicated a free adult. The mother goddesses were therefore called "virgins," but they were sexually, as well as economically, free, equal, and on par with men. Graphically, the sign of Virgo was a woman seated in profile, but it seems that with the advent of Christianity, the glyph would transform into an M with the final stroke folded inward to symbolize Mary and her virginity, or, in line with the characteristics of the sign, the cold lucidity of Reason that begins to harness instincts and passions (which, however, are strong and strongly repressed and held back).
Amazonite, known as the 'stone of hope,' symbolizes truth and courage. Its soothing energy brings calmness and mental clarity, promoting healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels for those born under the sign of Virgo.
Virgos are often oriented towards medical and caregiving professions, and fluorite proves to be a valuable ally in promoting mental clarity and concentration. This stone is fundamental for understanding how emotions influence the mind and body.
The Meru is a heart made of lapis lazuli, the stone linked to Mercury, the dominant planet of the Virgo sign according to systemic archetypal astrology. Mercury is the planet of thought, and strength and mind go hand in hand. It represents intelligence, cunning, learning, and mental clarity. Furthermore, it reflects the critical spirit, irony, and communicative skills of the individual. The heart shape of the Meru connects the analytical properties of this sign with the pure and high vibration and is an efficient tool to help activate the heart chakra.
In the mala for Virgo, the strength of the stones merges to create a powerful balance between mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, it will lead the natives of the sign towards a healing path that passes through hope, truth, and clarity. ✨
Sardonyx, a symbol of strength and stability, resonates with the integrity of those born under the sign of Virgo and supports them in the search for the meaning of existence. It strengthens character and helps develop self-control.
The innate intelligence of those born under this sign, the propensity for logical thinking, perception, and the ability to assimilate information are enhanced by the use of sardonyx; this stone will help get to the heart of matters and attract stable relationships and good friends.
Along with sardonyx, the other stone akin to those born under the sign of Virgo is peridot. The lighter and livelier peridot refines the perceptions of Virgos and helps let go of habits that hinder growth, encouraging them to be less harsh on themselves, as they are known to be extremely self-critical!
Peridot also helps to break free from old negative behavioral patterns and emotional baggage that is no longer needed and encourages being guided by one's higher Self. Peridot also teaches to accept mistakes as lessons to learn from and to move forward.
Moss agate is excellent for anyone working closely with Mother Earth and supports intuition in this type of work.
For Virgo intellectuals, it is a pleasure to discuss emotions and analyze them thoroughly; however, they rarely experience them truly: moss agate helps to connect with one's feelings and improves the ability to express what one feels rather than what one thinks.
The hyper-criticism of Virgos towards themselves can lead to low self-esteem and strong emotional stress: moss agate helps to see one's positive qualities and recognize one's own worth. However, care should be taken that the brake on the critical and analytical nature of Virgo does not become too heavy.
Amazonite, also called the "stone of hope," symbolizes truth and courage and possesses a soothing energy that induces calmness and mental clarity, thus promoting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing for those born under the sign of Virgo.
Those born under the sign of Virgo are inclined towards medical or caregiving professions; fluorite will prove particularly useful as support for this work as it can help promote mental clarity and concentration. Vital for understanding the effects of emotions on the mind and body.
Useful for those born under the sign of Virgo to help them develop inner balance, overcome doubts and fears, manage relationships with others beyond formalism, and finally take care of inner life as well as work.
For a Virgo, there are some crystal combinations that should be carefully considered before wearing them.
Tiger's eye with amazonite: tiger's eye is a powerful stone usually worn to increase confidence and instill courage and determination: it can therefore be of great support for those born under the sign. However, it does not pair well with one of Virgo's main healing crystals, amazonite. Amazonite is worn by a Virgo to promote better sleep and relax the mind in times of stress, while tiger's eye promotes exactly the opposite. These contrasting energies can unbalance anyone, particularly a Virgo.
Blue lace agate with red jasper: the contrast between these two stones is similar to that between tiger's eye and amazonite. Agate encourages stillness, slowing down, and relaxation, but disorder can arise if worn simultaneously with red jasper, which instills passion and vitality.
Black tourmaline is sometimes to be avoided for those born under the sign, as it may accentuate Virgo's tendency to worry too much. Garnet is linked to passion and energy, which could be too intense for Virgo's tendency to carefully reflect on every detail.
Opal is often associated with introspection and reflection, characteristics that may not fully reflect Virgo's practical and organized mindset; finally, clear crystal is known for its clear and balanced energy, which according to some may not reconcile well with the perfection-seeking nature of this sign; however, I believe that precisely for this reason rock crystal, if used in combination with stones that support the sign, can be of great help to Virgo as it can encourage them to let go of the vain pursuit of perfection.
It is essential to remember once again that these associations are based on esoteric beliefs and do not have a scientific basis. The choice of stones should always be personal and guided by individual preferences and intuition. The above list is purely indicative and general: if you feel very attracted to one of these stones, it is probably because it can still help you.
Mercury's gifts at birth are an analytical and razor-sharp mind, the ability to organize efficiently, and intuitive intelligence: those with their sign in Virgo present themselves externally as coolly efficient people, hard workers, reliable, and always ready to help.
This is the mask behind which they hide, well represented by the stone of their rising sign: blue tourmaline. This precious crystal resonates with the sense of responsibility and encourages love for truth.
Blue tourmaline increases the desire to live in harmonious peace with everything around and to be helpful and in service to those they love. Even during the deepest crises, analytical and detached, those with their rising sign in Virgo possess the flexibility to embrace change and the organizational skills to keep everything under control.
Despite this mask that this rising sign presents to the world, it is possible that sometimes there is a lack of confidence in one's abilities, so much so that they may find themselves having to play the simple role of "supporter," if not even that of service. It is not uncommon for Virgo rising signs to prefer, for example, a personal assistant job rather than a manager and to often feel more comfortable in professions that involve care and assistance. Blue tourmaline is excellent because it promotes self-confidence by dispelling fears and inspiring compassion and tolerance. By dispelling negative thoughts and behavioral patterns, it suggests creative solutions and helps shine with one's own light and make one's voice heard when necessary, bringing out talents, especially those of their birth sign.
A possible substitute for the precious and rare blue tourmaline is the beautiful apatite, which gives vitality, extroversion, creativity, and communication skills gently brings out hidden talents by infusing self-confidence.