
This sign rules over a moment in the season that represents the great fundamental principle of transformation, decomposition. The archetype associated with Scorpio is indeed the Destroyer, representing the part of our consciousness that accepts and understands that things can change, relationships can end, and it's possible to let go of every attachment, even serenely accepting the idea of death. The Destroyer knows well that death is actually only apparent; it's a presupposition of the cycle of life because Nature never truly dies, it remains dormant, slows down: it's the beginning of the inner journey, the process of death and transformation symbolized by winter.
Influenced by the aggressive power of Mars in its domicile and the creative force of Pluto, lord of the underworld and ruler of the sign, the personality of those born under the sign of Scorpio has always been associated with the occult and mystery, making them tremendously fascinating and complex, sensitive and dominated by strong emotions. Their sensitivity and susceptibility mean that when they are overwhelmed by emotions, or even when they feel analyzed or prodded, they either flee or react disproportionately, wounding with sharpness and intelligence and with their razor-sharp tongue.
Whimsical and seeking relationships, they are simultaneously individualistic and love their privacy, and they regard highs with suspicion, studying and analyzing them to test them and maintain total control. Very possessive and not very altruistic, Scorpio doesn't give advice unless explicitly requested; thanks to their charm, sharp sense of humor, and the veil of mystery that accompanies them, those born under this sign cleverly manage to keep interest alive in them.
Scorpio is endowed with great intelligence and memory, immense power and potentiality; they possess the ability to organize and manage even situations of great complexity because they think in the long term: they know well that after death comes rebirth. Scorpio's time horizon is indeed very broad, and while on one hand, they can patiently wait, foreseeing almost every possible development of a story, on the other hand, they can plan and execute the most atrocious revenges. Unfortunately, sometimes they can't forget wrongs, so much so that resentment can lead them to unfair actions. Scorpios can also be somewhat ambiguous people regarding what is fair: like Capricorn representatives, they are capable of absolute discretion but, at the same time, can break the rules with impressive nonchalance.
Lovers of mystery and the occult, Scorpio is the sign that more than any other loves risk, often pushing themselves beyond limits because they do not fear dramatic events and, in some ways, seek them out. After all, what's the worst that could happen? At most, you die, and death is just a passage... In sexuality, all their ease and uninhibitedness emerge. Anything can be expected from a love affair with a Scorpio, except boredom. A Scorpio can be difficult to manage as a partner. On the other hand, the emotionality of this sign translates into affectionate love that manages to bring out the best to give to those they love.
The powerful transformative power of malachite constitutes an indispensable key to release Scorpio from negative energies. This magical stone allows absorbing dark emotions and dissolving unconscious blocks, opening the doors to deep emotional understanding.
Clear quartz is the ideal ally in healing; it gently guides through one's own blocks and allows facing challenges with inner strength because transformation is a journey of personal growth.
Aquamarine is capable of making communication an art, freeing from judgments, and promoting empathy. It illuminates the path of mutual understanding, making every word an act of kindness and effectiveness.
The meru is obsidian, a stone linked to Pluto, the dominant planet of the sign. Also known as the "warrior stone," it brings stability and integrity, highlighting the dark sides for deep transformation and shadow integration.
This mala is a powerful tool to accompany Scorpio's metamorphosis; it will support them in transformation and help them emerge stronger than before.
The intense energy of malachite vibrates with that of the Scorpio sign, promoting transformation at every level, absorbing negative energies. Malachite brings to the surface unfiltered everything that blocks the spiritual path, helps access insights coming from both the unconscious and the higher consciousness, and share them with others. Even if they don't show it, Scorpios experience deep and strong emotions. Malachite helps release negative emotions and experiences that continue to cause stress.
Malachite facilitates understanding one's emotions and becoming aware of unconscious blocks, allowing healing and personal growth. To dissolve the blocks that will emerge, it will be advisable to accompany malachite with other support stones such as clear quartz, rose quartz, or pink tourmaline, which will gently take care of the suffering, guiding towards the right path. Malachite brings up repressed traumas; pink tourmaline and clear quartz or rose quartz help dissolve them.
Even a scepter quartz can be helpful to facilitate connection to one's higher Self and unlock previously stagnant and repressed energies due to taboos or traumas. The phallic shape of the scepter quartz recalls the intense sexuality of those born under the Scorpio sign and transforms sex into a means for spiritual alchemy.
Considered auspicious for a Scorpio, this stone is indeed associated with Mars, the planet of the sign. Its intense red color reflects its connection to the heart chakra and encourages passion and fervor for life. For the ambitious Scorpio, ruby can help focus on achieving personal goals.
Those born under the sign of Scorpio have a strong leadership ability and a knack for getting to the bottom of things. They are also capable of tackling complex or delicate issues that others prefer to avoid. Hawkeye allows expanding one's vision and focusing Scorpio's considerable powers on perceptions. Despite intuition, Scorpio's thought patterns are rigid and very rarely change their minds. Hawkeye dissolves negative thought patterns and allows seeing things from a broader perspective.
This stone is linked to Pluto, the dominant planet of the sign. Scorpio's main challenge is to master power in all its manifestations, and black obsidian assists in this task. However, one must be psychologically ready to use black obsidian because it has the ability to transform psychologically, but at the same time, it brings out one's dark side to be transformed: one must therefore be able to manage one's own darkness!
Scorpio has the ability to find others' weaknesses to exploit them for their benefit; learning to restrain their sharp tongue is another challenge for this sign. Aquamarine counters the tendency to judgment and intolerance and works on communication to make it softer and more effective.
Scorpio, like a scorpion, is the only one capable of giving themselves death with their own sting if they realize they have no escape. Larimar keeps Scorpio away from their self-destructive tendencies, pushing them to be constructive and find a way out before ruining everything!
Scorpio is governed, as well as by Mars, also by Pluto, the God of Hades. This sign therefore tends to have problems in being incarnated in a physical body, being halfway between the world of the living and the dead. Smoky quartz contrasts the possible suicidal tendencies of the sign and frees from fear and depression. This stone also helps release fears and express emotions, teaches to leave behind everything that is no longer needed, and to build one's security through trust in one's own instinct and listening to intuition.
Even if they don't show it, Scorpios experience deep and strong emotions. Rhodonite teaches the heart to accept painful emotions without being overwhelmed by them and assists in releasing them. Moreover, many born under the sign of Scorpio use sex and their sensuality as a weapon or tool of manipulation; rhodonite can help correct these behaviors, although it will be a tough mission for this crystal!
Emerald is the gemstone of Mercury, which is at odds with Mars, the planet that rules Scorpio. Therefore, it should be avoided because the power of emerald can be difficult for Scorpio to handle and can have a negative effect on emotional stability.
Still referring to the planets, diamond represents the planet Venus, which is a destructive planet for Scorpio. For a Virgo or a Libra, wearing a diamond can bring luck. However, for a Scorpio, this can interfere with their destiny and cause friction in their life.
Rose quartz might be suggested to avoid, as it may seem too open and vulnerable for Scorpio, which tends to hide their emotions. Rock crystal (or clear quartz) is known for its clear and balanced energy, but it may seem too neutral for Scorpio, which is often attracted to the depths. However, I still suggest both of these stones in combination with the strong energy of malachite, which facilitates understanding one's emotions and becoming aware of unconscious blocks, allowing healing and personal growth: rose quartz or clear quartz will help dissolve the traumas and blocks that malachite can bring to the surface.
Selenite is associated with calmness and tranquility, which may seem too passive for Scorpio's emotional intensity, while, on the contrary, carnelian is often linked to energy and motivation, characteristics that may seem too expansive for Scorpio, known for their privacy.
It is essential to remember once again that these associations are based on esoteric beliefs and have no scientific basis. The choice of stones should always be personal and guided by individual preferences and intuition. The above list is purely indicative and general: if you feel very attracted to one of these stones, it's probably because it can still help you.
The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto, and these same planets exert a strong influence for those with the ascendant in this sign. Mars is an impetuous, passionate, energetic, and determined planet. Associated with war, Mars encourages us to face challenges and do our best. Aggressiveness is the dominant characteristic, although Mars also values courage and honor. A violent energy that can be constructive or destructive, in any case masculine, dominating both Aries and Scorpio.
Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto, the planet of strength, transformation, regeneration, and rebirth. Things are not easy with Pluto, but they get done. Pluto loves to destroy in order to recreate, so this planet rules destruction and death, as well as everything that is secret and hidden from view.
The interaction with the world of those born with the ascendant in Scorpio is intense but also impassive. No matter what may happen internally, externally, they will always present themselves with an impenetrable mask of calm, and their inquisitive gaze can uncover the secrets of those around them. Stubborn and determined, this ascendant channels the power to get what one wants, whatever it may be.
The Scorpio ascendant loves risk and is eager to experience especially what is prohibited and dark, sometimes pushing so far that it may seem like their goal is self-destruction.
Smoky quartz plays a highly protective role in this, allowing you to see beyond the surface of things to safely accompany Scorpio ascendants where others are afraid to go, instilling courage and strengthening intention and capabilities in case of difficult moments. This stone also weakens the strong manipulative impulse of Scorpio ascendants.