
The sign that closes the autumn season is Sagittarius. The winter stasis culminates at the end of this sign, on December 22, with the Winter Solstice, the darkest, coldest, and "deadest" moment of the seasonal cycle. Nature reacts in two ways: with hibernation and lethargy or with migration.
Sagittarius is depicted as a centaur, half man and half horse. Its animal side, violent and bestial, is connected to Earth, while the human side represents vital and evolutionary momentum, depicted with an image of an arrow pointing to the sky, towards Spirit, towards the pursuit of new paths and higher knowledge.
While everything else stops, asleep and frozen, the curiosity and playfulness of Sagittarius push it to seek new experiences, have fun, travel, and explore. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are endowed with great creativity, energy, and enthusiasm that drives them to be very active. Sagittarius loves the most enjoyable things existence can offer and can be a loyal, generous, and above all, sincere companion, almost incapable of lying, being deceitful, or thinking badly of others; therefore, also an excellent friend, albeit rather moody and always with "his head in the clouds". Truth, sincerity, and transparency are virtues of the sign, which can become its unconscious weapon: indeed, there are no worse "arrows" than the sincere, direct, impulsive observations of Sagittarius, which often catch others unprepared and defenseless. A truly complex character that has the ability to be a great conversationalist and a terrible listener.
Characterized by great enthusiasm, pronounced optimism, and a lot of initiative, this sign often acts with excessive good faith, naivety, and frivolity, even to the point of recklessness and imprudence. It often tends not to assess situations properly before acting, setting off without a strategy and relying solely on good luck. Furthermore, continuous enthusiasm, impatience, and the desire for travel can hide the desire to escape, a way of avoiding responsibility and not being tied to a place or boring habits.
The archetype of the sign is, naturally, the child: it represents the individual before the fall, protected by the care of the mother and constantly and trustingly seeking the lost Paradise. But while this trust rewards him by giving him openness, learning ability, and perseverance, on the other hand, he tends to deny problems and shy away from conflicts, often isolating himself in a world of fantasy. The Innocent is also absolutist and dualistic: seeking security and protection, he cannot admit his own imperfection without falling prey to violent shame and unbearable guilt, and therefore, inevitably, to fear. Often the defense mechanism is denial, escape from the present and reality, or projection, but every defense mechanism seems preferable to Sagittarius than having to face his own fallibility, vulnerability, and powerlessness. Therefore, Sagittarius's energy should not be confused simply with joy and carefreeness: it is a sign that often changes and alternates its mood and the energy it shows, its irony in facing especially the most difficult situations, is often a defense mechanism to hide discomfort from others and especially from oneself.
The lively energy of topaz-colored jade is a true ally for the Sagittarius passionate about travel and adventure. This stone not only infuses abundant energy but also nurtures confidence in the Universe, becoming the ideal guide for exploring the unknown. Represented by the centaur aiming the bow towards the sky, Sagittarius is a seeker of the infinite, optimistic, and cheerful. Topaz jade tunes in with Sagittarian vibrations, bringing joy, generosity, and facilitating goal achievement.
In the chaos of its changeability, amethyst offers calmness and sobriety to Sagittarius. This stone reveals the sign's inner wealth, contrasting its restlessness, and fostering harmonious relationships.
And when Sagittarius immerses in expansion, citrine quartz (the meru stone) steps forward. Linked to Jupiter, the dominant planet of the sign, citrine quartz brings wisdom, luck, and optimism. A cascade of creativity, joy, and prosperity will envelop those who wear this stone, attracting abundance into their lives.
This mala represents the sun and vitality and will support Sagittarius in rising towards new horizons. Balanced by amethyst, it constitutes a powerful tool for the well-being and personal growth of the sign's natives.
Topaz-colored jade (and also yellow jade in general) provides abundant energy and fosters trust in the Universe; it is a suitable stone for this sign, a lover of travel and adventures, and can be an excellent guide to discovering the unknown. This stone brings joy and generosity, facilitates goal achievement, and reinforces affirmations. It helps discover Sagittarius's inner wealth as it vibrates at its own frequencies.
Sagittarius is depicted by a centaur aiming the bow straight towards the sky, reminiscent of a search for the infinite and a constant endeavor for elevation. A fire and mutable sign, it is indeed optimistic and cheerful. Perhaps for this reason, it is often a bit naive, almost always positive, a great salesman, and traveler. It loves to discover and conquer new territories - both geographical and intellectual. Amethyst is generally associated with the sign of Sagittarius and is indeed very useful in counteracting the effects of its natural changeability and restlessness, bringing calmness and sobriety and favoring relationships.
The purpose of those born under Sagittarius is to find the meaning of existence: through meditation, they can reach the answers they seek and, supported by labradorite, can connect to universal wisdom and higher levels of consciousness. Sagittarians are generally inclined towards teaching and philosophy, and labradorite promotes the ability to answer questions about the meaning of life by connecting intuition with esoteric knowledge; with the help of this stone, they can become excellent spiritual mentors. Labradorite also has a calming effect on the hyperactive and curious mind of Sagittarius, develops imagination, the birth of new ideas, and balances analytical ability with contemplation and introspection.
Linked to Jupiter, the dominant planet of the sign, and to fire, citrine quartz enhances vital energy and intellectual activity, making it possible to channel them into something concrete. It stimulates intuitive choices and inspires the soul; it is also an excellent companion for the realization of an idea, an entrepreneurial project, a goal, or a real enterprise. It relaxes and harmonizes relationships with others by reducing the emotionality and tendency to anger of Sagittarius.
Sodalite is a perfect stone for Sagittarius, harmonizing well with the open, optimistic, and loving mentality typical of this sign. It stimulates the mind and consciousness to favor intuition, creativity, and analysis. It can improve the ability to observe one's internal processes as an objective witness, thus helping in meditation and inner journey. Sodalite can be a guide to look deeply within and discover where the natives of the sign are on their life path and thus clarify the direction to take.
The inability to stay still of Sagittarius leads them to always look around or project themselves into the future instead of facing the beauty and problems of the present. If a Sagittarius feels trapped and discouraged by a situation, they can wear garnet every day (but be careful, for those born under this sign, not to wear it at night, it would be too much!): garnet transforms crises and problems into challenges to overcome, strengthening and giving courage even in seemingly hopeless situations.
The inability to stay still of Sagittarius leads them to always look around or project themselves into the future instead of facing the beauty and problems of the present. Carnelian helps improve concentration and shift attention to the present for full enjoyment. It should be used with caution because it may not resonate with the energies of the sign.
Those born under the sign of Sagittarius tend to speak before thinking and often lack tact. Malachite urges to take responsibility for one's behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that Sagittarius tends to unconsciously project onto others. It helps to have more mental clarity and emotional stability and to discover the positive side of habits. It infuses constancy and joy.
Those born under the sign of Sagittarius tend to speak before thinking and often lack tact. Malachite urges to take responsibility for one's behaviors, while milky quartz helps to think before speaking and balances the less delicate energies of malachite.
There are not many crystals to avoid for a Sagittarius, but some to pay attention to are diamonds and blue agate. Diamonds are associated with the dominant planet Venus, which is harmful to Sagittarius and can even be of bad omen and bring financial and health problems. I also suggest avoiding blue agate, as it could put an annoying brake on the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius. Also, black tourmaline, which is a very protective stone, could be too limiting for Sagittarius, known for its free nature.
Carnelian is linked to energy and motivation, but its connection to the earth and its introverted and concentrated character (remember that it is still an agate!) may not be in harmony with the sign, known for its search for new experiences. However, carnelian can be of great help if one feels alienated and distant from people and the world around them: it brings back to the here and now and symbolizes solid foundations and deep roots. So my advice is that it should be used with caution, but not excluded. Instead, the combination of carnelian and amethyst should be absolutely avoided because they have opposite energies.
Some attention should also be paid to the use of amethyst and malachite, which are often associated with meditation and spiritual growth and potentially very supportive for the sign; however, they may be too introspective for the adventurous, expansive, and optimistic nature of Sagittarius.
I also add that pearls, being linked to Venus and the Moon, are less suitable for solar signs and should be worn by a Sagittarius only on special occasions. For a Sagittarius, wearing pearls can contribute to the appearance of nightmares and an increase in mental tension and stress.
It is essential to remember once again that these associations are based on esoteric beliefs and do not have a scientific basis. The choice of stones should always be personal and guided by individual preferences and intuition. The above list is exclusively indicative and general: if you feel very attracted to one of these stones, it is probably because it can still help you.
The Sagittarius ascendant is restless, inclined to act on the impulse of the moment. The number of questions it asks is the first thing others notice about it; the second is its lack of tact, which can sometimes lead to epic gaffes. This is indeed an ascendant that speaks before thinking and thus needs the assistance of judicious Topaz.
Endowed with an irresistible sense of adventure due to an insatiable curiosity about the world and a deep need to find meaning in it, they are tireless travelers and usually have a suitcase ready for every eventuality. They do not hide behind a mask, they simply move forward.
Governed by Jupiter, they have a philanthropic spirit and are naturally teachers and philosophers, but they can risk going too far. Topaz helps to discover inner wealth and frees any negativity they may have collected on the journey of life.
The mask that a Sagittarius ascendant wears to face the world is one of happiness, luck, carefreeness, and non-commitment. From the outside, they may seem unreliable simply because they do not always keep their commitments or promises. Topaz can help overcome this and also the tendency to use half-truths and little white lies to cover their tracks.
For a Sagittarius ascendant, the grass is always greener somewhere else. This is not the most organized of ascendants, but it possesses the ability to invent great things and innovative solutions. Topaz fills life with abundant joy, removing any doubt or uncertainty from these excellent and fun companions, who are pleasant to have by your side on the journey of life. Always adaptable to new circumstances and ready to face new challenges with enthusiasm, topaz illuminates their path, highlights goals, and allows them to tap into their inner resources. This cunning crystal instills security by infusing confidence in the universe and teaches how to be rather than how to act.