
Capricorn heralds the winter season with the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Cold and dark Saturn, Lord of Karma and symbol of the god Chronos, Greek god of time, rules over the sign; the planet of renunciation, death, old age, represents cold reason and professional goals, law, order, and discipline.
But Saturn is not only the Great Malefic: during the Roman Saturnalia, the festive days dedicated to Saturn, social order was subverted, and all men were equal and brothers, not required to work but free to dedicate themselves to nature, play, arts, and love before the feast of December 25th (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti), when the days began to lengthen again and light triumphed over darkness. Our Christmas seems to combine three Roman festivals: the Saturnalia, the Sol Invictus, and also the Sigillaria (a festival dedicated to children, characterized by the exchange of gifts), and it is celebrated in the season of Capricorn, which thus contains within it the awareness that the cycle will resume and bring success, abundance, and wealth.
The image of Capricorn represents a mythological creature, half goat and half fish, symbolizing asceticism towards the peak of the mountain, elevation, and purification from the depths of the personal and collective unconscious.
The archetype of Capricorn is the orphan, symbolizing tenacity and activating whenever we feel betrayed or abandoned, urging us to endure with patience and move forward independently, with great determination and practical sense to defend ourselves and move forward. Capricorn never gives up, relying on its inner strength and discipline, knowing well that "homo faber fortunae suae" (man is the architect of his own fate). Determination, strategy, and ambition will lead it to achieve its goals, certainly not luck (or worse, the help of someone, not even their own parents!).
For the ambitious Capricorn, what matters is doing things with a specific purpose, or at least a very clear direction, preferably long-term, with logic, strategy, patience, and prudence. Essential, sober, thoughtful, they do not like to waste time, or have their time wasted. Therefore, they work with maximum efficiency, attentive to results and not wasting resources. They don't pay too much attention to superficial details and don't get lost in frills: after all, they must go through the most difficult period of the year, and the phase of closure and introspection is necessary to ensure rebirth!
In any case, Capricorn never focuses on themselves: if they boast about something, it's about their achievements. Capricorn can be accused of stinginess, a trait they often have, but in reality, they often prefer to do something for others rather than donate. Similarly, they have their own particular sense of loyalty: if they have to step over someone to achieve a goal, they will do so openly, without deceit or lies.
The psychology of Capricorn may seem straightforward to interpret: work, respect for rules, reflection, and self-control... however, despite their inflexible and immovable nature, they also have a strong sense of humor, although they often show a certain introversion and reserve and even a tendency towards pessimism and closure that make them appear cold and distrustful towards others. Capricorn individuals are often considered solitary and unable to enjoy the pleasures of life. In reality, they have good taste and a refined palate, as well as an excellent sense of elegance: what is misleading is that most of the time, they prefer to enjoy these pleasures alone.
The risk for those born under this sign is to become accustomed to renunciation and deprivation, to lose hope, and become dry, cold, cynical, and distrustful; also because Capricorns, not liking company very much (although deep down they may want it), and preferring to withdraw into solitude especially not to expose themselves emotionally and affectionately, risk losing contact with others and closing themselves off too much from the world.
"The solitude is the drama of life for many; and yet the happiest people I have known were loners."
Jacques Chardonne
"Homo faber fortunae suae" - man is the architect of his own destiny!
Those born under the sign of Capricorn are called to rediscover their inner strength and connect with their authority, listening to their true selves. Guided by the mysterious black obsidian, Capricorn stands out in being one of the very few zodiac signs able to handle the 'dark powers' of this stone to contribute to the good of society.
Labradorite, the "stone of success," accompanies Capricorns on their journey to the top. Capricorn embraces tasks and responsibilities with determination, reflecting inner light through labradorite. Success becomes a natural consequence, not just a goal.
When Capricorn achieves their goals, selenite opens the doors of intuition, guiding the spiritual path. This stone softens and makes the character more flexible, moving it away from rigid patterns. Wisdom emerges, while selenite releases blocked energy, removing emotional obstacles.
The meru bead is hawk's eye, a stone that amplifies the ability to perceive situations from a higher perspective, facilitating the understanding of the surrounding world. This stone is linked to Saturn, ruler of the sign and "Lord of Karma," considered the Planet of tests, limitations, conventionality.
This mala can magnificently accompany Capricorn on the path to achieving their goals, towards personal fulfillment. Wear it with pride: destiny is in your hands.
Black onyx provides the authority that those born under the sign of Capricorn constantly seek and encourages them to become masters of their own destiny; it reinforces self-confidence and helps to remain centered during periods of physical and mental stress. The seemingly selfish and greedy Capricorn actually feels a deep need to help others by utilizing their ability to organize, see beyond, recognize what needs to be done, and make wise decisions, abilities amplified by black onyx.
However, be cautious because black onyx is a stern stone that reinforces the rigorous character of Capricorn, which, by increasing seriousness and self-control, risks becoming further "weighed down".
To balance the severity and seriousness of Capricorn, garnet can be of great help as it provides vitality and teaches to live with greater lightness and passion. This stone develops leadership qualities and the innate authority of the sign, encouraging all the strength and will necessary to overcome adversity and achieve the desired success, something highly valued by those born under this sign.
Garnet inspires the love and devotion that Capricorns seek in a partner and encourages commitment and fidelity (it could become a perfect engagement ring). Furthermore, it helps to free oneself from inhibitions in order to enhance the already strong, albeit unsuspected, libido of the sign.
"Homo faber fortunae suae" The task of Capricorn is to rediscover and connect to their inner power and authority, listening to their true self. Capricorn is one of the few signs capable of handling the "dark powers" of black obsidian, a stone that works very well with this sign, assisting it in its effort to work for the good of society.
"Success is a consequence, not a goal" (Gustave Flaubert)
Labradorite, "the stone of success", could only accompany those born under the sign of Capricorn, as this is a topic so dear to the Saturnine!
The strong desire of the Capricorn sign is indeed to reach the top, whatever it may be. They feel perfectly comfortable having tasks or duties to complete or taking on responsibilities that are related to achieving the desired result. Labradorite reflects the light of one's deep being, hidden behind the Capricorn's mask of rigidity, and shows it to the world, thus pushing them to live in harmony with their sense of duty and to use their willpower for the common good.
Once a Capricorn has achieved their dreams and ambitions, they usually turn to listen to their spiritual side: selenite opens the doors of intuition, guiding the spiritual path and bringing out the wisdom of the Capricorn's character while simultaneously softening it and making it more flexible, moving it away from its rigid patterns that sometimes lead it to organize every moment of its life, losing spontaneity. Selenite also eliminates all those moods that negatively affect everyday life, preventing energy from flowing freely.
Once a Capricorn has achieved their dreams and ambitions, they usually turn to listen to their spiritual side: fluorite will connect them to spiritual realms, also helping them to live spirituality in everyday life. Fluorite also helps to curb Capricorn's tendency to judge, thus helping them to make impartial decisions, and also to get rid of ideas, concepts, and mental patterns from the past. It supports in reorganizing ideas and helps assimilate new information more quickly.
Thanks to their developed mind, principles, and organizational skills, Capricorns can engage in any business activity, although many natives of the sign find a suitable occupation among law enforcement or in the ministry.
Amber provides the grit needed to succeed in what you desire.
Capricorns find it very difficult to connect with their emotions, which they strongly control, and of course, consequently find it difficult to express them. Sodalite, although not a stone associated with this sign, helps to release the control mechanisms that prevent them from accepting and being confident in themselves. Sodalite brings hidden qualities to the surface and allows them to accept them without judgment.
Yellow sapphires are the lucky stone of Virgo, as Mercury is their dominant planet. Capricorn is not favored by the planet Mercury, so it is better to avoid this stone.
Furthermore, Capricorn is advised to avoid wearing rubies, although they may be attracted to them because they attract wealth and social status, both highly sought after by those born under this sign; this stone is closely linked to the Sun, which is in conflict with Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn. Since the Earth and Fire elements have opposing energies, the ruby can provoke conflicts, invoke hostility, and bring bad luck to a Capricorn. Red jasper is associated with strength and courage, but it may feel too aggressive for Capricorn, known for their prudence.
Opal could also be considered a stone to avoid because its amorphous structure and its confused and chaotic energy could be incomprehensible and even annoying for the logical and pragmatic Capricorn. It should be noted that, like hematite, it is rare to find natural opal in the market; it is often confused with opalite, a very beautiful but synthetic and inexpensive compound.
Lapis lazuli is often associated with creativity and spirituality, characteristics that are often felt too distant from the pragmatic and ambitious nature of Capricorn, just as amethyst is linked to spirituality and meditation, aspects that could be inconsistent and therefore unattractive for Capricorn, who is generally oriented towards concrete results (which may be their only goal if they are spiritually underdeveloped).
Finally, tourmaline may be limiting for Capricorn: they certainly crave stability, but also success, and tourmaline may be felt as a hindrance.
It is essential to remember once again that these associations are based on esoteric beliefs and do not have a scientific basis. The choice of stones should always be personal and guided by individual preferences and intuition. The list above is purely indicative and general: if you feel very attracted to one of these stones, it is probably because it can still help you.
The Capricorn is ruled by the rigid and austere Saturn, the God of time. From this planet, the Capricorn absorbs a certain degree of severity and wisdom that allows them to look at life with detachment and clarity. Saturn is indeed the "detached observer," and it is he who enables them to maintain self-control and centeredness even in the most difficult situations and emergencies, and to make the right decisions without being overwhelmed by emotion.
Saturn also makes them objective in judgments, but also strict and intolerant of mistakes. It is precisely because of this elevated form of self-criticism that the Capricorn always seeks to give their best and show consistency with their principles, even at the cost of sacrifices, because failing to do so would be to go against their inner rules.
Not all Capricorns, however, are dominated by this cold Saturnine rigor, but firmness in principles and projects will certainly be present in them, as well as reasoning and that moral strength that is an integral part of their temperament.
Wisdom, dignity, natural authority, and strong leadership skills are bestowed upon those born with their ascendant in Capricorn, but their ruler, Saturn, is a tough guardian, and therefore strength, self-discipline, and the desire to be useful in the world have also been given.
Ambitious and determined to reach the top, they readily organize their own lives as well as those of others, enforcing the 'rules'. Consequently, many people perceive them as cold and severe.
The Capricorn's mask is one of strict control, an authoritarian face devoted to the "duties and musts" of life. This severe ascendant can effectively mask a much freer sun sign, causing difficult moments and leading others to see them as cold and critical.
The garnet helps to express one's natural authority with warmth.
The garnet allows one to lighten up and enjoy life, and this stone is particularly useful when life is tough and seems to have no way out, as it turns a crisis into a challenge and brings out the innate strength of this ascendant. Somewhat dark, pessimistic, the Garnet opens the heart and strengthens self-confidence. It removes inhibitions and inner resistances, thus dissolving entrenched behavioral patterns of beliefs that no longer serve.